
May I receive communion?

We invite you to gather around God’s table with us.. You are welcome to receive the bread and wine as food for your journey

How do I become a member at St. Thomas?

Visitors and prospective new members are welcome every Sunday. We encourage anyone looking for a church home to attend Sunday morning worship and other activities activities.

There are not any barriers to membership in our church. Everyone who attends regularly is considered to be part of our congregation. To be eligible to vote at annual meetings and serve on Vestry, individuals must be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, be communicants in good standing and support the church through an annual pledge. If you are interested in baptism, confirmation, reception or formalizing your membership at St. Thomas, please speak with our priest, The Rev. Terri Hobart.

We encouraged all members to participate in the life of the church community through our worship, formation and ministry activities.

What if I am interested in baptism, confirmation or marriage?

Our priest, The Rev. Terri Hobart will be happy to speak with you about receiving any of the sacraments at St. Thomas.

What should I wear?

Please dress comfortably. You are welcome just as you are.

Do you have Parking?

We have a small parking lot on the south side of 22nd. The entrance and exit are both onto Dexter Street.

Is the church accessible?

Yes! There is an door on the north side of the nave which is accessible without stairs. We have a ramp inside the nave for access to the chancel and there is a main floor restroom that is accessible by ramps.

Are Children Welcome?

Yes! We have a nursing/reading/play corner on the south side of the nave. Older children have the option of attending a Godly Play time during the homily for age-appropriate spiritual education and will return to the main service for Communion.